The Resilient Tourism Project is designed and managed by six research institutions:
University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons (FHGR)
HES-SO Valais-Wallis
Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU)
University of St-Gallen (UNISG)
EHL Hospitality Business School (EHL)
In partnership with more than 30 Swiss travel stakeholders and coordinated by EHL Hospitality Business School on behalf of the whole partnership, this flagship proactively respond to the challenges of digital transformation by empowering the broad travel sector. In particular, the project will leverage the experience of national, regional and local destinations, hotels and other partners from the private sector towards the creation of an open-source data infrastructure to inform value creation in small & medium size enterprises operating in the industry.
Together to Drive Change
All academic partners will be involved in all the subprojects to ensure interdisciplinarity and plurality of ideas. Most of the industry partners are also involved in more than one project based on their specific characteristics and business interests. The interdependence of the subprojects stems from the clear understanding that the transdisciplinary nature of the Resilient Tourism Flagship project reflects the fragmentation and the peculiarity of the Swiss travel sector that would require different competencies to evolve and excel worldwide through the datafication of the industry.
The Resilient Tourism project is built around four independent but interconnected projects aiming at:
Creating a National Data Infrastructure for Tourism (NaDIT) to connect data producers and providers with data users;
developing innovative services, business models and processes;
designing resilient tourism systems in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
The coordination, orchestration and communication of existing experiences in order to leverage current knowledge among all tourism stakeholders in Switzerland and produce shared knowledge to generate data-driven value to strengthen the competitiveness of SMEs.

National Data Infrastructure for Tourism
The National Data Infrastructure for Tourism (NaDIT) aims to incorporate data producers and data users to generate new knowledge for the other two main subprojects.
Thanks to NaDIT, the Swiss tourism ecosystem will gain sovereignty over its own usable data and provides an important foundation for future data-informed visitor-focused decision. This will strengthen the position of Swiss tourism companies in relation to large OTAs that are currently dictating conditions and provide the stimulus for developing new, innovative, data-driven projects.
The website tourismdata.ch shows a meta-directory and information about data that is relevant for the Swiss tourism industry.
SP1 Team
Nicole Stuber-Berries
Co-Head of the Competence Center for Tourism & Senior Lecturer (HSLU)

André Golliez
Lecturer (HSLU) & Consultant Open Data
Andreas Liebrich
Senior Lecturer (HSLU)

Anna Para
Senior Research Associate
Nicole Stuber-Berries
Co-Head of the Competence Center for Tourism & Lecturer

André Golliez
Lecturer & Consultant Open Data
Andreas Liebrich
Senior Lecturer

Service Design, Business Processes and Business Models
Based on SP1 results, this subproject aims to provide international data-driven best practices in tourism regarding service design, business processes and business models by identifying the key spatial behavior or visitor flows. This will eventually increase business productivity across the Swiss travel ecosystem.

Christian Laesser
Professor and Director IMP-HSG
SP2 Contact

Simon Kuster
Project Manager
Resilient Tourism Systems
As demonstrated with the COVID-19 pandemic, disruptions are becoming more acute in our globalized and connected world. These interactions and changes clearly raise the question of the risk of global failure of tourism business or the tourism network. SP3 aims to define system models for the simulation and stress testing of tourism network systems and will incorporate the SDGs as fundamental strategic goals for stakeholders in the tourism system to strenghten the resilience of the travel industry.
SP3 Team

Roland Schegg

Jean-Christophe Loubier
Full professor UAS - Institute of Tourism (HES-SO Valais/Wallis)

Flann Chambers
Post-doc - Institute of Tourism (HES-SO Valais/Wallis)

Davide Calvaresi
Senior academic associate UAS - Institute Business Information Technology (HES-SO Valais/Wallis)

Olivier Crettol
Head of Operations - Institut Icare
Coordination, Orchestration and Communication

SP4 aims to amplify the outputs of the first three subprojects by generating dialogues within and beyond the primary stakeholders, diffusing the outputs to the Swiss travel and tourism industry, and fostering digital transformation.
Our projects articulate around the mission of cross-fertilizing and fostering innovation among SMEs in Switzerland. Consult our dedicated website to learn more about our subprojects : podcast series, video series, innovation checks and digital transformation hub...

SP4 Team

Alessandro Inversini
Associate Professor (EHL)

Maggie Meng-Mei Chen
Assistant Professor (EHL)

Amélie Keller
Flagship Project Coordinator (EHL)
Jan Mosedale
Lecturer, Head of Research (FHGR)