Resilient Tourism Flagship Annual Conference 2024
We are excited to announce the 2nd Resilient Tourism Flagship Annual Conference 2024. Expect inspiring keynotes, panel discussions, workshops, networking opportunities and updates about our Resilient Tourism Flagship Project.
Please block this day in your calendar, we will update you about the conference programme within next months.
Location: Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Zentralstrasse 9.
Mark your calendars and stay tuned for program updates. Let's shape a resilient future for tourism together. For more information, visit the website.
Newsletter #2 - July 2023
National Data Infrastructure for Tourism

A major part of SP1 during the first year of the project has been the creation of a data catalogue of tourism data as a backbone for the National Data Infrastructure for Tourism. Together with the partners that own data for the whole nation, we worked on the directory during the last months. The result is a data catalogue of more than 80 open datasets and links to data that is not accessible for anybody.
Along with the catalogue, all relevant tourism data found during the research phase have been classified into 10 categories. The work has been reviewed by peers. The team added a description for every category and links to relevant data sources. The result is published for the purpose of public use by the industry on tourismdata.ch.
The inventory is there to grow. According to the project plan, we are now contacting the project partners that own regional data to add it to the directory.
During interactions with industry partners, the team experiences a great interest and learns about data hubs that emerge or are further developed in lose connection with the Resilient Tourism project or independently. There are two types of data hubs.
Regional data hubs
Data hubs specific to a tourism segment (e.g. accommodation, restaurants, winter sports information only to name a few of them)
To build a national data infrastructure, it is essential to have an overview of these hubs and of data flows to and from data hubs first. Visualizing the existing data hubs and the data flows will contribute to understanding the data-landscape. After that, the work of standardization will continue under the umbrella of the Swiss Tourism Data Alliance that used to be active before Resilient Tourism started.
In parallel, the team started to work on use cases as well as the business models. In the next newsletter, we will report about this part of the project.
Service Design, Business Processes and Business Models
The work packages and tasks related to subproject 2 have been slightly adapted; some things we bring forward for topicality reasons, others we therefore put back a little.
1. Business Processes: We are now starting the mapping and expect to have tangible results by the end of the year.
2. Business Models: As mentioned in the last newsletter, we are bringing forward some important work in this workpackage. At the moment, we are finishing an extensive survey among Swiss hotels on the attractiveness of different options for the inclusion of public transport in accommodation offers. The results will be available in August or September. It is still the goal of the project partners (Regional Directors' Conference, Alliance Swiss Pass (mainly SBB), the Swiss Tourism Federation, Switzerland Tourism, and HotellerieSuisse) to conduct a one-year pilot this winter - with whatever model(s) then.
3. As part of the work package on visitor willingness to provide insights into their behaviors, we have completed the literature review and are currently working on a research design together with colleagues from the HSLU. The results of this study are important to design future tracking systems in Swiss tourism and to put market research on a new foundation. Furthermore, we expect important impulses for the Work Package "Business Models".
Modelling the Resilience of Tourism Systems
Towards Resilient Tourism: Unveiling Our Simulation Model at ECTQG 2023
The third part of the 'Resilient Tourism' project is currently moving in two different paths.
1. The first path involves creating a set of rules to define resilience in tourism. This is important to set the boundaries for our simulation model's growth. We presented our first findings the 9th June at the FMOS Research Conference 2023 “At the crossroad of Finance, Marketing and Operations for Sustainable Business” .
2. The second path focuses on building the model and its user interface. The work we've done so far helped us decide on the system's overall structure, the technology to use, and the need for hardware systems. By the start of September, we plan to have a basic version of the system, a "proof of concept".
As for the model, we've been selected to present a paper on simulating population dynamics at a major conference on computational geography, ECTQG 2023, in Braga, Portugal, taking place from 14th to 20th September 2023.

Coordination, Orchestration and Communication

Resilient Tourism Podcast Series: the first season is now fully available on Spotify. The aim of this first season was to gather knowledge from the travel stakeholders, to share the best practices in the digital transformation of tourism. We interviewed various Swiss tourism experts, including tourism organizations managers, academics, startups, and companies specialized in data and technology. There are episodes in German, French, Italian or English. We hope you will enjoy it. Season two is under production and will soon be announced.
Travel Digital Transformation Hub: over the past few months, we also have been busy in designing the «Travel Digital Transformation Hub», a virtual place where experts are supporting the writing and execution of travel and technology related projects.
Digital Tourism Transformation in Canton Vaud: Since our last communication, we have been highly involved in the coaching of the 5 projects selected within the programme "Transformation numérique du tourisme vaudois". This programme exists thanks to our collaboration with the Service de la promotion de l'économie et l'innovation (SPEI) and Vaud Promotion. We are now finishing the coaching process during the summer. You can learn more about this programme by reading the following press release. We will launch the same call for projects in October again.